
Very primitive rendition of Python's doctest in Clojure.


(check-examples s)
Reads a string potentially containing code examples and checks whether they
do what they're supposed to.

Syntax inspired by the Grimoire conventions (http://conj.io/contributing).

See also parsing/parse-string-with-example.

If a map only contains :expressions, they are evaluated. If it also contains a
:result, the result of the evaluation is compared with it. If the map contains
anything else, it is ignored.

Otherwise returns a sequence of those maps where the result of the expressions
doesn't match the :result with an :actual entry containing the actual result
assoced. Implies that it returns an empty sequence if all matched.

Evaluation happens in this namespace. This is a bit silly for various reasons,
but mikera.cljutils/namespace doesn't take bindings from outside and I don't
want to take the time for writing something more useful now.

(Sorry for the brain-dump quality of this doc string.)


(wrap-in-do s)