
Defines a few Bar types useful for documenting concrete things.



Definition of the Bar type `::docs`.

## Model

This Bar allows attaching **additional documentation** to a Thing. It is
thought for **augmenting or substituting** documentation attached with
`:grenada.bars/doc` and for attaching documentation to Things that are not
Finds or Namespaces, but Platforms, Versions, Artifacts or Groups.

Furthermore, this Bar allows attaching **multiple pieces** of documentation to
a Thing. Each consists of a string key that uniquely identifies it, and the
documentation string itself.

## Prerequisites

None. Can be attached to any Thing.

## Remarks

The **key** should be fairly unique, but can be the same for all Things you're
annotating. It is thought to allow the merging of `::docs` maps:

#g/t [:grenada.things/thing
      {:coords [… "map"
       :aspects …
         "You could think of map as the morphism morphism of the sequence


#g/t [:grenada.things/thing
      {:coords [… "map"
       :aspects …
         "map is a funny function. It lets you reverse every word in a list
          of words. …"}}]}]

combine to:

#g/t [:grenada.things/thing
      {:coords [… "map"
       :aspects …
         "You could think of map as the morphism morphism of the sequence

         "map is a funny function. It lets you reverse every word in a list
          of words. …"}}]}]

(If Eberhard the Formal's characterization of `map` is wrong, please tell me
and I will forward your comments to him.)

`::docs` can also be used to put **other project documentation** in a Datadoc
JAR, for example the README and the files from the `doc` directory. In this
case I recommend using a path relative to the project root as the key.


Definition of the Bar type `::docs-markup-all`.

## Model

Attaching a Bar of type `:poomoo.bars/docs-markup-all` to a Thing T has the
same meaning as attaching a Bar of type `:poomoo.bars/docs-markup-all` to T
and those of its descendants that don't have a `:poomoo.bars/docs-markup` or
`:poomoo.bars/docs-markup-all` Bar already. For details, see the definition of

Note: this means that if you're building a tool that has to do with
`:poomoo.bars` Bars, you also have to **look at the ancestors** of Things
whether they say something about the markup.

## Prerequisites

Can only be attached to Things above and including the Namespace level.

## Remarks

See the remarks on the definition of `:poomoo.bars/docs-markup`.


Definition of the Bar type `::docs-markup`.

## Model

`::docs-markup` Bars specify the markup language used for the `::docs` Bar of
a Thing. Other Bars and **consumers dealing** with doc strings should take
this into account.

Currently the following markup **languages** are **allowed**:

 - [CommonMark](http://commonmark.org/)
 - [GitHub-flavoured
 - [HTML](http://www.w3.org/TR/html/)
 - [plain text](http://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode6.1.0/ch02.pdf)

This Bar type does not **guarantee** that the documentation processor at the
other end will be able to handle any of these formats properly.

## Prerequisites

Can be attached to Things with arbitrary Aspects. Can only be attached to
Things that already have a `::docs` Bar.

## Remarks

Do not use Bars of this type for specifying the markup language of **doc
strings** and `:grenada.bars/doc` Bars. That's what `::markup` is for.

If you want to specify the markup language for a **whole bunch of Things** at
once, you can use `:docs-markup-all`.


Definition of the Bar type `::markup-all`.

## Model

This Bar is to `::markup` the same as `::docs-markup-all` is to `::markup`.
See their definitions for more information.

## Prerequisites

Can only be attached to Things above and including the Namespace level.


Definition of the Bar type `::markup`.

## Model

This Bar is the same as `::docs-markup` except that it specifies the markup
language used for **Clojure doc strings** and `:grenada.bars/doc` Bars instead
of `:poomoo.bars/docs` Bars. See the definition of `::docs-markup` for

## Prerequisites

Can only be attached to Finds and Namespace, which have to already have a
`::grenada.bars/doc` Bar.

## Remarks

If you want to specify the markup language for many Things at once, use


(markup-lang-valid? bar)